Vibration therapy has been developed by Russian space travel in order to keep up the bone density and muscle mass of cosmonauts during their stay in space.
Vibration therapy for horses has been applied since 2003 to specially designed vibration floors.
The vibrations ensure a flow of fast-paced muscle contracts, allowing a better overall blood circulation. It contributes largely to injury prevention. Regular use activates the glands which ensure a natural lubrication of joints, reducing pain in the back and joint pains.
The Vibefloor vibration floors are perfect for sport support and rehabilitation.
This very efficient workout contributes largely to a healthier and happier horse!!
The Vibefloor vibration plate type EVF1 has a standard size of 215x115cm and a step height of 8cm.
The vibration plate has been designed for customers who can position the floor between current side walls or in a corner. As this vibration floor is extremely mobile, you can easily move it or take it to multi-day shows.
The Vibefloor vibration floor type EVF2 has a standard size of 215x115cm and a step height of 8 cm.
Type EVF2 has side bars so that your horse can easily stay on the floor. This model has a door at the back and a rubber elastic band at the front for extra safety. We do recommend that you stay with your horse during the session.
You could also use this vibration floor as an examination stand, so that you benefit twice from it.
The Vibefloor built-in floor type EVF3 has a total size of 200x350cm.
The built-in vibration floor can be installed in two different ways, sunk in a concrete subfloor with a height of 12cm, so the vibration floor will be on the ground floor with the aisle. The vibration floor could also be placed on top of the current floor. In that case, the sides will be filled with hardwood.
The raised step will be 12cm and is inclusive of rubber mat (10mm).
All our Vibefloor vibration floors are delivered inclusive of control panel with timer, allowing to set the treatment time.
In spite of all the information on the website, you might wish to receive more information or have questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
We will be at your disposal!